So Friday rolled around again - this week seems to have flown by! Since we got back from Tenerife we've spent some time every day tidying or putting away or finding somewhere to stuff all the things that don't have a home and won't fit in any cupboard! Slowly, slowly it's getting there. But then the temperatures went back up again this week to 33ºC and most of the time I just can't be bothered - so it is a slow process.
The next few posts will be about Bilbao because I have so much to say about it (and there is so much more that I just didn't have time to see) that I'm going to split it up over a few days. During the trip to the north of Spain I managed to squeeze in a trip to this beautiful city filled with history, character and interesting places to visit and things to do.
So as it's Friday, and I don't want to keep you from starting your weekend, I'll keep todays' post short!
If you arrive in Bilbao by train, the last station is here:
Abando Indalecio Prieto station, Bilbao |
It is right in the centre of the city so any sightseeing can be easily started right from your arrival. I found the stained glass window stunning but I haven't been able to find any other information about it. If I worked in Bilbao, I certainly wouldn't mind starting my day with something so colourful!
And so on the weekend! This weekend I'm spending time with hubby (who has been doing some wonderfully scrummy cooking this week - hope that continues!), with the horses and heading down to Murcia to visit my parents. I'm hoping that the trip to Murcia will include plenty of photo-taking, time at the beach (hubby is hoping to get some kitesurf practice in), time floating in the pool and yummy BBQ or two (please take note parents if you are reading this!).
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing this weekend,
Hasta pronto!